We are pleased to announce that Witt O’Brien’s has acquired Strategic Crisis Advisors.

SCA and Witt O’Brien’s share the same mission: to help our clients save lives and protect value by being as resilient as possible to disruption. We’re excited to join forces with the industry leader. As organizations face more frequent disruption, we look forward to bringing innovative solutions to their complex needs.
We will retain our Atlanta-based headquarters and our entire consulting team will join Witt O’Brien’s as full-time employees. For more information please visit www.wittobriens.com.
From natural disasters to reputation scandals, our consultants understand how a crisis can rock even the steadiest of organizations. Managed well, a crisis provides the opportunity to show great leadership, but managed poorly, it can mean the end. At Strategic Crisis Advisors, our experienced consultants have helped hundreds of companies prepare for and respond to crises of all kinds. One size does not fit all, and neither should your company’s crisis management plan.
Business Continuity is more than IT or finding new work space. It is about your business. It is about your customers. It is about your people. For many regulated industries, the standard approach to business continuity is extremely effective, but for other industries –the standard approach only produces expensive plans that don’t help when an outage actually happens. At SCA, our consultants can work with your team to identify the right approach with an appropriate level of detail to meet your culture and your needs.
Right now. No time for a team meeting: it is happening now. Do all your people know what they are supposed to do? They better. It’s happening fast. Who is initiating the evacuation? Do your floor captains know where to go? Who is communicating immediately with the police, fire or EMT? Where do injured go for first aid? Who is going to get everyone out of the building? Or keep them in? We can help you determine the answers for your specific company and location and prepare your people to act. Now.
If your words aren’t right, your actions won’t matter. Even when you do all the right things, you also need to say the right things. People need to hear you say it. They need to know you feel it. Crisis Communications is a critical piece of the overall response and can be excruciatingly difficult. Our consultants can train your spokespeople and create detailed crisis communications plans with processes to keep your messaging appropriate, accurate, and cohesive.
Crisis management, business continuity, emergency management, crisis communications, – they all have to work together. At the end of the day, your corporate leaders are responsible for all of them, but they might not even know that a crisis is different from an emergency or a business disruption isn’t immediately a crisis. It’s all a big puzzle and we know how to place the pieces so they fit just right.
Your executives want concise information, preferably on their smartphone. They want only the information that they personally need, and we can help you give it to them.
Your plan owners need detail. We will give it to them. We will help you communicate your entire program in ways that the distinct audiences will not only understand, but also buy into and thank you for when the response is finished.
At Strategic Crisis Advisors, our consultants have helped many of the world’s largest organizations prepare for the worst. Our knowledge and expertise was earned the hard way, though real world experience responding to incidents including Hurricanes Sandy and Katrina, 9/11, plant explosions, and challenges to corporate reputation. We bring our valuable scar tissue to each project and use it to help develop plans, train your teams, and conduct exercises that reflect reality. SCA has worked with companies in various industries including: financial, retail, oil & gas, manufacturing, energy, food service, consumer goods and national defense.
Our leadership team has decades of experience in the industry with specialties in crisis management, business continuity, emergency management and crisis communications. SCA’s network of professionals include industry leaders and specialists from whom SCA selects the most effective consultants based on the type and size of each project. Unlike some larger companies who have enormous staffs that they need to keep busy, SCA selects the right consultant for your project—not just the consultants who have bandwidth.