Charlie McDonald
Vice President & Corporate Crisis Management Practice Leader

Charlie McDonald
Vice President & Corporate Crisis Management Practice Leader
With more than 25 years in the crisis management profession, Charlie brings many diverse consulting capabilities to Strategic Crisis Advisors. From strategic crisis planning and plan development, to crisis exercise design and conduct, to counsel during actual incidents he is a crisis management professional in every sense of the word.
Charlie joined Strategic Crisis Advisors in April 2014 as part of the divesture by Crisis Management International of its crisis preparedness business. For the previous 10 years, Charlie led the CMI crisis management practice, developing the company’s offering and providing crisis management and crisis communications planning and training to dozens of companies.
For the last 15 years, both at CMI and other professional service firms, Charlie has helped companies develop or improve corporate crisis management plans and crisis communications plans, conducted crisis exercises and provided strategic direction during actual crises. He has consulted for companies in all types of industries, including chemical, energy, pharmaceutical, financial, high-tech, manufacturing, food, retail and non-profits.
For the previous 10 years Charlie was the crisis management competency leader for DuPont. He was widely recognized, internally and externally, as an expert in all aspects of corporate crisis management, i.e., strategies, policies, processes, procedures, organizational structures, external and internal communications, facilities, etc. He provided strategic guidance to DuPont during actual incidents, protecting corporate reputation and financial stability by ensuring actions of senior management and other responders were consistent with crisis management policies.
Charlie has designed, conducted, and evaluated more than 300 drills for corporate, business and international crisis teams; applied learning from drills to improve plans; developed networks to improve communications about actual incidents, reducing the potential for situations to become crises. He has also conducted crisis media training for corporate spokespersons.